Synopsis: The story, based loosely on a medieval Polish folktale, begins in an Eastern European rural town in 1348 where a mysterious plague is spreading. The local blacksmith, Mikolaj Abramcyzk, races against the clock to save their mother when she falls ill. The only one who will help them is the midwife, Artemia Kaprowska, who has been outcast from the town for her alleged use of witchcraft. The town leader, Magnate Skorumpo, has been working with Morsinia, a demon carrying the plague, to save his own life. Will Morsinia and Magnate Skorumpo destroy the town or will Mikolaj and Artemia be able to stop them?
Morsinia (any pronouns, never settling on one), high voice & med/high voice
Note about Morsinia: the character is played by two singers. They are always portrayed via two voices: one on-stage and one off-stage. The on-stage and off-stage singers switch places throughout, as will be noted in the score.
Magnate Skorumpo (he/him), high voice
Zuzanna (she/her), med/high voice
Villagers (SATB)
Performance History: Stencils Festival 2022, Lowell, MA